Concorso d’eleganza 2017

A few pics of this year’s concorso d’eleganza at villa Erba in Cernobbio, italy.
workshop diary and unreasonable things
A few pics of this year’s concorso d’eleganza at villa Erba in Cernobbio, italy.
Never mind the finger in front of the lens, it’s all about the sound… Power boats warming up for the race
Spotted today in Milan.
Got no clue what car that exactly is…
incredible how small the wheels have been in those days.
Found this pic on my harddisk. Shot it a couple of years ago in Arco, northern Italy. Still woundering what is under that 2CV exterieur.
In winter 2014/2015 I finally started the project and bought two XS750 in a poor condition. In those days I’ve been living in Spain and most of the year I was traveling for work. My house there didn’t had a garage